Moorland Walker Tors

In Search of Chub Tor

Sunday morning, I left the overcast skies of Okehampton, heading to the western side of Dartmoor, where the countryside bathed in warm sunshine. Well, that’s how it felt from the car, but when I had parked up on the edge of Roborough Down, I stepped out into a biting wind which had me layering up […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Tors of Dartmoor: The beginning?

Looking back, I can see that the first seeds of a Tors of Dartmoor database were sown by the now defunct Share Your Adventure website. It’s demise on 1st July 2021 was a sad day and I don’t think its like has ever been bettered. This is a look back at a walk I did […]

Moorland Walker Tors

The Whitehorse Hill Cist and death on the moor!

Now, the other day I came across a highly entertaining blog called “Two Blondes Walking” and one particular post mentioned a book called Dartmoor 365, by John Howard. Remembering I had a copy on my shelf, I took it down and started browsing. The area of Dartmoor is 365 square miles, and the author cleverly […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Rowtor Wild Camp

I had spent a lazy day waiting for Marcus, Nick and Steve to arrive. As time ticked on, the plans changed from a walk out of Postbridge, to eventually meeting at Belstone. We got going about 3pm, the order of the weekend was to just wander the north moor, wild camping for 2 nights. I […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Cosdon from South Zeal

Not going to take any credit for the route of this walk, it must go firmly with a new book I picked up this weekend; “Walk! Dartmoor”. A first for me to explore this side of the mighty “bear back” that is Cosdon Hill. For a copy of the book and other areas in the […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Down Tor

Good to be back on the moor and pleasantly surprised to see the sun out once again! Getting up at 5am for the long drive down to the South-West had paid off, and I had an extra day’s walking. Fully kitted out for a night out should it take my fancy, I was off on […]