Continuing my journey and after 4 days I’ve settled into the task. Section Two takes me from Brookton shelter to Mount Cooke.
Tuesday, 1st October 2013: Day 5
The usual departure at 7:15 am. A long day ahead today, of 27km. To help, I set myself targets, or tick lists, along the route. The formation of note was Abyssinia Rock; an impressive granite outcrop.
Reached Canning Hut at 10:15am, took a quick break and then began the 15 km to the next hut. It was a hot descent down to the Canning River. I had hoped for a shady retreat for lunch, but I had to steal 5 minutes under a shady tree. The track was made easier by a bed of pine needles cushioning my footfall.
Once I had exhausted my tickoffs, I was at Monadnocks Campsite, and more company. A guy called Ross, with his son Lachlan, and a couple called Ian and Bernadette. Ross and Lachlan were new to the bushwalking lark, but were getting keener and eager to pick up tips on lightening their loads. Ian and Bernadette were regulars, having also walked the Overland Track in Tasmania.
We had a good chat around the camp fire; looks like Ian and Bernardette would be joining me the next day at Mount Cooke.
Wednesday, 2nd October 2013: Day 6
A later start as the distance was short today; 8:15 am. Up and over Mount Cuthbert was easy in the cool morning.
Mount Vincent was rockier and more of a challenge.
On my way down I met a bushwalker going north, called “Pedestrian Pete”. He gave me plenty of advice about snakes, although I am still to see any.
From Sullivan’s Rock Spur, it was steady walking in low scrub and then shady forest. I arrived at Mount Cooke hut just after midday, and made myself comfortable for the afternoon. Ian and Bernadette arrived a couple of hours later.
We also had a new visitor; A 29 year old called “Dropbear” arrived at 3pm. He was doing an End to End in forty days, and would turn out to be my companion all the way to Dwellingup!
To be continued…