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Great Parford Tor

This is a stupendous tor sited in the National Trust's 'Whiddon Deer Park', renowned for its excellent bluebell display in spring. The upper rocks of this tor at SX 7260 8906 form a modest compact outcrop beside a track in the top half of the Deer Park, a mere 50 metres south of the conspicuous granite hut in the field that could be a linhay. Just within the woodland, the granite is adorned by moss and is noticeably quite pale, and when climbing atop these rocks you may spot two mossy rock basins that Paul Buck and Tim Jenkinson espied in June 2020.

Whilst the track takes on a gentler descent on the hillside directly below the summit rocks, there is a breathtaking cliff of granite at SX 7250 8901, featuring many other smaller but equally impressive crags and stacks. It is seen from the same track below near the lane past Parford in winter and, when seen close-up, the main portion is quite menacing and, like most valley side tors, is best seen from below. Its towering masses amid the sparse tree cover here enables the visitor to clamber up to the top to take in the good vista out towards Meldon Hill and Kestor Rock. That said, it would be easier to walk to this point from the upper rocks already described to avoid the worst of the uneven terrain.

Also at the top of the lower pile, you will notice two more rock basins, one a deep channel and the other a small, rounded example part tucked under a poised boulder that holds rainwater. Along with the summit rocks above, this is an awesome sprawling rock field on the hillside, but be warned this area is concealed in bracken during summer months and due to the nature of the terrain can be dangerous to traverse without the correct footwear.

Great Parford Tor
The map above is not a navigation tool and we recommend that the grid reference shown below is used in conjunction with an Ordnance Survey map and that training in its use with a compass is advised.
Grid Ref:
SX 725 890
Tor Classification:
Valley Side
Rock Type:
Max Piper
Reference / Further Reading:

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