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Sticklepath Wood Crags

Without leaving the security of the unmarked footpath contouring the brow of the hill through Sticklepath Wood the extensive crag lower down will sadly go unnoticed. Like its neighbours along the Walkham Valley, the crag is best viewed from beneath where its ominous dark sedimentary walls tower above you and to peer up at its tops brings an unsteadiness to the legs on the steep uneven terrain.

Moving south-west through the woods, the eastern section can be found at SX 4891 7037, its emergent form punctured by well established trees and more tor like than the crag proper that begins some ten metres or so along on the same height.

But it is these cliffs that impress the most, just as you think their end is reached, you round a wall to be met with more contorted rock. Eventually, the dramatic scene quietens and a way up onto the cliff top presents itself that, when reached, gives no inkling to the impressive show below.

Sticklepath Wood Crags
The map above is not a navigation tool and we recommend that the grid reference shown below is used in conjunction with an Ordnance Survey map and that training in its use with a compass is advised.
Grid Ref:
SX 489 703
Buckland Monachorum
Tor Classification:
Valley Side
Rock Type:
Peter Freeman
Reference / Further Reading:
Tors of Dartmoor Website (2020)

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