Moorland Walker Tors

Discovering the real Black Rocks, and other outcrops

There was a little puzzle to solve today, the principle reason for the excursion, but dotted along the seventeen or so kilometres were plenty of attractions to seek out along the way. I do adore the rugged tin working scars of Erme Pits and the regeneration that has taken place since, so I was eager […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Rediscovering Strane Tor

Let me say straight away, Strane Tor is not a classic! It’s undoubtedly going to disappoint you if you visit and you’ll likely curse Crossing for mentioning it in the first place. Such is its stature, there has been doubt on its actual location, with some of the most eminent Dartmoor experts failing to pinpoint […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Buckland Woods: East Webburn from Lizwell Meet

Continuing our exploration of Buckland Woods; a collection of numerous private woodlands, all managed by Fountain Forestry, and to enter them a permit can be obtained. The sections within part two are Pudsham Wood, Lizwell Wood and Town Wood. PUDSHAM WOOD Approaching from the south at Lizwell Meet, you enter Pudsham Wood, where, to the […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Shillyrock or William Crossings’ “Druid’s Altar”

On my previous walk, with Max Piper, I spotted, from the road between Kennick Reservoir and Laployd, a possible undocumented outcrop in the plantation above the hamlet of Smithacott. It looked like recent tree felling had brought this one back from obscurity and I was eager to visit at the first opportunity. Back home, I […]

Moorland Walker Tors

In Search of Hollowpark Rock

In an online conversation with Max he happened to notice, on a 1949 version of an OS map, the name “Hollowpark Rock”. Cross referencing with a modern version (not OL28 because, it seems Ordnance Survey think that area of the National Park is not important enough to be included), the rock had disappeared! Only one […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Buckland Woods: Buckland Bridge to Lizwell Meet

Buckland Woods sit to the west, below Buckland in the Moor, its boundary running from the eastern bank of the Double Dart, near Lover’s Leap, curving to Buckland Bridge, before running up the Webburn north to Lizwell Meet. There is then a spur along the northern bank of the West Webburn to the edge of […]

Moorland Walker Tors

A rummage around Canonteign Down

Looking at the Ordnance Survey map, Tim had spotted a potential undocumented tor, above Canonteign Falls; a marked area of exposed rock. When he showed me it, I too was keen to check it out, so we came up with a route to explore the Canonteign Down area in addition to revisiting Hyner Rocks. We […]

Moorland Walker Tors

The Tors and Rocks of Blackadon Down

The following blog post is the culmination of two consecutive weekends on Blackadon Down. I felt the wealth of granite found on my solo visit merited a return with Tim Jenkinson, to verify the outcrops I had found. Also present, my friend Matthew King had the chance to experience these previously undocumented tors. Parked up […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Bee Tor (with kind permission)

It wasn’t my intention, but Bee Tor was to be the last tor to bag on the Social Hiking list. I had written to the landowner a couple of months ago but not heard back, so I mustered up the confidence to drive by and knock on the door. But beforehand, on my way to […]

Antiquities Moorland Walker Tors

Ausewell Woods (with kind permission)

As of April 2021, parts of Ausewell Woods are now accessible to the public. This is an account of a permissive visit, back in September 2017, granted by Fountain Forestry who previously managed the site. Some sections, such as Cleft Rock, remain closed off to the public for both safety and to protect the wildlife. […]