Antiquities Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: The Mary Meynell Story: A Review of the Literature

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Winter 2019, Issue 137, p38-39 Walking northwards from Shipley Bridge in the direction of the Avon Dam and after passing through the gateway towards the ruins of Brent Moor House the visitor will notice shortly just to the left of the main path a small […]

Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: Bridford and Christow: Some Tors and Rocks Explored

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Winter 2021 Issue 144 pp58-59. Bridford and Christow are two villages and civic parishes situated on the far eastern side of the Dartmoor National Park (DNP) in an area that is often referred to as the Teign Valley. The former covers approximately 4090 acres of […]

Antiquities Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: The East Dart North of Postbridge Part 2

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Winter 2017 Issue 129. The first part of this article exploring some of the interesting features of East Dart River to the north of Postbridge concluded on the southern slopes of Lade Hill (SX 6381), a vast expanse of open moor with a scattering of […]

Antiquities Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: The East Dart North of Postbridge Part 1

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Autumn 2017 Issue 128. Having previously written in this series about some of the interesting and lesser-known aspects of East Dart River to the north of Dartmeet (DM121 winter 2015 pp40–1), this article (and the one to follow) concentrates on the same river, but this […]

Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: The East Dart North of Dartmeet

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Winter 2015 Issue 121. William Crossing rightly included Dartmeet, the point where West and East Dart rivers unite, as one of his ‘Gems in a Granite Setting’, for here we have ease of access to the riverbank coupled with gentle walks to enjoy that are […]

Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors Uncategorised

Dartmoor Discovered: Greatrock Copse

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Summer 2017 Issue 127. Greatrock Copse lies approximately three quarters of a mile to the northwest of the village of Hennock on East Dartmoor, and is a fascinating place for discovering hidden rock piles as well as a series of granite stones dated 1858. The name […]

Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: Gidleigh Tor

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Spring 2017 Issue 126. The first mention of Gidleigh Tor by William Crossing comes at the turn of the 20th century in the charming book The Teign: From Moor to Sea where on page 21 (1986 edition) he explains that the tor is also known as […]

Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: Lustleigh: Some Tors and Rocks Explored

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Autumn 2015 Issue 120, pp 40-41. Lustleigh, a picturesque village set on the eastern edge of Dartmoor, is a gem of a setting for discovering hidden rocks and tors that are nowadays mostly shrouded under a dense canopy of trees on the steep valley sides.  Perhaps […]

Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: Hurston Castle

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Spring 2015. This particular visit to the small but memorable tor known as Hurston Castle involves a fairly lengthy albeit circular route to and from Benett’s Cross car park at SX 680817 through parts of Grid Squares SX 6881, 6882 and 6883. The walk takes in […]

Dartmoor Dartmoor Discovered Collection Tim Jenkinson Tors

Dartmoor Discovered: Warren House Pit on Vag Hill

An edited version of this article appeared in Dartmoor Magazine – Autumn 2013. Vag Hill occupies a large proportion of grid square SX 6772 and part of SX 6872, but is not shown by name on the Ordnance Survey Outdoor Leisure Map 28 (1:25 000).  Down on the lower south western slopes of the hill there is […]